Information sessions for parents

The information sessions are mini-training courses which aim to equip parents with the basic notions of language.

During these sessions, several topics are covered, such as: the expected stages of language and communication development and strategies to stimulate language according to the level of development of each child.

During these meetings, parents have the chance to interact with speech therapists and language educators from community organizations. They can also ask their questions.

Participation in these sessions is free, but registration is required. Throughout the year, sessions are offered in French or English at different times (day, evening), virtually or in person.

To view the schedule of upcoming sessions or register, click on the button on the right.

Several tools are available for parents:



Prerequisites for communication (0-2 years) card

Language strategies (2-5 years) card


Coloring books

Langage capsules

Ressources leaflet


English – Parent information session – language stimulation 0-30 months

English – Parent information session – language stimulation 0-30 months

Parent information session on language stimulation for 0-30 months old animated by a speech therapist.Learn more »
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