Spotting and references


Potential language difficulties are identified when an adult is interacting informally with a child. It also aims to support the parent towards the next steps (resources, language services offered in the community).

The spotting results from a development monitoring activity which is the responsibility of everyone (childcare educators, doctors, nurses, CISSS and community workers).

Spotting tools coming soon…


In the Jardins-Roussillon area, community language organizations organize individual observation and orientation meetings with a speech therapist for parents concerned about the language development of their 3 to 5 year old child.

Maison de la famille Kateri : 450-659-9188
La Station de l’Aventure : 450-691-4897
Apprendre en cœur : 450-454-0400


For children attending the Centre de services scolaire des Grandes-Seigneuries, parents can contact their child’s teacher to gain access to the speech therapy service in school.

In addition, when children aged 18 months are vaccinated at the CLSC, all parents are offered an appointment to monitor the child’s development. Depending on the result, families may be referred to the Agir tôt screening which allows difficulties to be identified and families to be guided if necessary.


For local organizations, it is possible to refer to the CISSSMO using this form.

Reference form at the CISSSMO access desk


For more information

Refer to the Resources Leaflet by clicking here.

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